CelluDot addresses the growing problem of agrochemical drift with a novel biopolymer technology that keeps volatile agricultural chemicals at the site of their intended use.

How It WorksAbout CelluDot

The CelluDot Vision

To be a leading provider of biopolymer dispersions redefined for their practical uses in a variety of industries from agriculture to nutraceuticals.

The CelluDot Mission

To develop and offer reliable agricultural adjuvant products, engineered from biomass waste. 

As an emerging technology platform,

CelluDot will soon offer other dispersion-based applications.
industry use case food

Organic Liquid Fertilizers

industry use case agriculture

Bioactive Compound Encapsulations

industry use case food

Animal Feed Supplements

CelluDot uses nanocellulose, extracted from agriculture and forestry waste to develop advanced dispersion (i.e., suspension and/or emulsion) products without the use of petroleum-derived materials.

With many applications in numerous industries, one of our focuses is to provide the agrochemical industry and all stakeholders with a win-win-win solution, from manufacturers and distributors of herbicides to GMO farmers to non-GMO farmers.  

CelluDot aims to sustainably enhance crop protection and boost agricultural productivity while meeting the demands of the growing world population vis-á-vis a decreasing global food supply, without negatively impacting human health and the environment.

With our patent-pending technology, our first commercialization effort is a cost affordable, efficacious, and environmental-friendly agricultural adjuvant that addresses the pain incurred by U.S. farmers who face ever-increasing challenges in their daily operations due to herbicide drift (i.e., particle and vapor drift).