How it Works
CelluDot’s solution to herbicide drift is a plant-based formulation that encapsulates the herbicide, reducing off-target movements and vaporization, while increasing its adherence to plants.

An example of BioGrip performance is shown with dicamba, the most effective herbicide in getting rid of pigweed, but highly volatile.

BioGrip™ gets rid of pigweed

By combining the functionality of various ingredients (drift reducing agent – DRA, vapor reducing agent – VRA, and rainfastness agent – RFA) in a single formulation, CelluDot’s convenient one-step solution reduces farmers’ risk of errors during preparation of their tank mix with herbicide and other adjuvants, while improving end-year margins, and mitigating herbicide drift with their devastating negative effects on human health, including native ecosystems and endangered species.

- Coarse droplets (i.e., VMD between 600-900 micron) as per wind tunnel tests.
- Spray droplets have a good foliar deposition and low drift potential as per ASABE S572.1 size classification.

- Reduced dicamba volatility by at least 50%, as per EPA-based humidome tests.
- Retained herbicidal efficacy (i.e., > 95%) against recalcitrant weeds at low adjuvant use rates (i.e., 0.25% – 0.75% v/v).

- Functionality of a surfactant (RFA) for efficient leaf coverage.
- Biodegradable and non-toxic to freshwater organisms (OECD 302B and OECD 201 tests).
- No mixing compatibility issues with herbicides and fungicides.